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 Share your meaningful moments when the songs                           expressed your feelings

Arnold wrote When I'm With You as a Valentine's Day gift to his girlfriend Valerie Brown.   They were on their way to Country Style Donuts in Rexdale for their regular date night, coffee and crullers when Arnold played the song for her.  

When I'm With You - Sheriff
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June 25, 1983 Arnold married Valerie  at St. Margaret Mary Church in Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada.

One of the many difficulties in being in a band, is scheduling personal time off.  Management scheduled the band to be in town before the wedding, no work Saturday or Sunday and the following week the band left to tour for a few weeks.  A few days before the wedding and after performing at Tony's East in 

Scarborough, Arnold went to a small eight track demo studio to quickly finish writing and  record a piano and vocal track titled Dream Come True.  The first time that the was quietly played was in the church while the couple signed the registrar.  The second time it was played was for their first dance.  Needless to say, there were a lot of tears with the bride and the guests. 

In 1988 Arnold completed the demo and released it on the Frozen Ghost album 'Nice Place to Visit'. 

Dream Come True - Frozen Ghost
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Arnold had written both songs as a personal gift, and only later was the decision made to record the songs commercially.   

Arnold is always humbled and honoured that people still connect to the words that he wrote so many years ago.

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This is me and my wife Beverley Wynne.  Our 1st song was Dream Come True, a very special moment!

   October 6, 2001


Mike Wynne

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

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Lianna Lanni and Daniel Lee- October 2019

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Elisa Lanni and Billy Baroody- May 2015


Amanda Onorato and Michael Baglione - August 2014


Sylvia Baglione


Michael Zanon

August 2013

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Dave and Andrea Gazaway - June 3/2017

I am marrying the love of my life in June.  She is a police officer and the kindest person u will ever meet!  Our first song we will dance to as couple is "When I'm with You.

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© 2023 Arnold Lanni Music, Alchemy Music Company.

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